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PICOGRAM-EYESEL-China OriginCell Technology Group signs three-way business agreement...Entering Global Markets such as China

  • DATE
    2023-06-12 16:03:38
  • HIT

[Seoul = NewsPim] Reporter Kim Yang-Seop = Picogram (CEO Choi Suk Rim) announced on the 12th that it has signed a three-way business agreement with Shanghai OCell Biotech Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China's Origin Cell Technology Group, with EYESEL.

This agreement was signed for the purpose of developing, producing, and distributing innovative cell-based cosmetics, and is a broad strategic framework agreement that includes three-way technology exchanges and employee training.

Through this business agreement, PICOGRAM plans to accelerate research on the development and technology of EYESEL and cell-based, which recently acquired some shares (12.7%) and accelerate its entry into global markets, including China.

Choi Suk Rim, CEO of Picogram, said, "We expect the three-way business agreement to be a bridgehead for China's rapidly growing cell-based cosmetics market."

CEO Choi added, "With this agreement, we have agreed to gradually strengthen cooperation in equipment such as ultra-low temperature cell storage facilities with the leading state-of-the-art automation and unmanned 5G cell banks established by Origin Cell Technology Group."

[Source : NewsPim]